Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Men are Jerks!!!

As you can tell....I'm upset. Why do men think that they can do what ever they want to do!!!! Car Racing, Car Racing, Car Racing, Boy Scouts.....That is all that man ever thinks of!!!!! Ron just signed Andy up for Boy Scouts, of course they are on Wednesday Nights and he just told me that I have to come home after work to stay with Brian. This is because the man can not handle both boys with other people for One HOUR!!!!

Now didn't we just spent a weekend doing racing stuff. That I was not able to run on Saturday because I spent 11 hours in the car!!!!! He's got a whole week of racing planed starting on Saturday 30th. Yes, I can go the the Y with the kids, but that is not the point. On Saturday he will be gone from 8am to Midnight. On Sunday he will be so tired and have to do things because he was not around on Saturday to do them, he won't be able to do anything with the kids. I "can" go running on Monday, but on Wednesday he has boy scouts. There goes swimming lessons. Then he will be racing Wednesday during the day, all day and half the night on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If I bring the kids to the Y on Thursday, I have to go all the way home, pick them up, then go all the way back to the Y. Then he will complain about the money that I'm spending on gas.....And I really don't want to go there!!!

I can spend days with the kids taken them here, there, and everywhere, but he can't take both of the boys to the boy scout meeting for One Hour!!!! I know that car racing is important to him, but he does not understand how important it is to me to be able to train.....For gods sake I have two races coming up. Now I'm going to only half practice for them!!!!

I have to go cool down......Maybe I'll take a bath, just to "pi**" him off. You know how he hates when I "waste" water!!!

1 comment:

runswithdog said...

It sounds as though you are a little ticked :-) LOL I understand where you are coming from, Sue. I could write a load of stuff here, validating what you feel, commiserating, male-bashing, etc. You get the idea. What you are feeling is valid. You have the right to have a little bit of a life and a few hours of free time for your own pursuits. But I am not going to male bash. How you work this out is your business, yours and your husband's and the boys. However, keep in mind, that something is always going to get in the way of exercising and running. There is always going to be something that seems as though it has a more valid claim on your time and attention than getting in a swim workout or a run. Just keep doing what you are doing, make the time when you can and don't let it frustrate you. Easy words to write, much harder to live - I know :-)