Sunday, October 01, 2006


I think I did very well on Saturday. I would like to think that I'm building up my endurance. I want to prove to myself that I can do two/three things right after another. Isn't that what a tri is?

Well, Sherrie and I ran 3.4 miles in 41:42 minutes. We took it nice and slow. I wanted to make sure that I could run the whole time. Especially after I did not run on Wednesday or Thursday, I need to prove to myself that I could. Sherrie and I chatted the whole time talking about our boys and then we were done. It really did not feel like we ran that long!!!! After we were done, and said that we will meet on Monday (I promise I will show up. I have to the boys have swimming) I went in the Y and then asked Tracy if I could run with her class.

I really had a good time in Trac's class. The group is great!!! She does have some strong runners!!! And they were asking me questions about running and the class!! Of course I told them my experiences and I did not sugar coat them, but I guess I was a little set back that people were asking "me" questions. I'm the back of the pack kind of person and don't look like a typical runner. Yah I can run six minutes straight, but when I did it for the first time.....It was hard!!! But I told them....If they keep up with the training and listen to Tracy's knowledge and wisdom, they will accomplish what they set out to do, run the 3.1 miles. But they are a active group and they will do great in their first race!!!

Speaking of Trac....Thanks for your advice. I have talked to Ron and of course, I will not be able to go on Wednesdays.......But Thursdays work just as well, until I can get the Kids into a Saturday swimming class. Then on Mondays, I will be able to take the adult swimming class - if they let me in or do the Master's Swim - if they let me in (I don't know the requirements of Master's Swim, but you know that I will find out). Then it will be Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, still giving me some rest time inbetween.

This will also give some one on one time for Ron and Andy, and some one on one time for Brian and I. It seems like we either have no boys or both boys. This way we can give each child the attention that they deserve. And maybe understand that Ron and I love them no matter what they do or we do!!!! Now, if I could just get Andy to run with me. Brian wants to run, but his legs are just to short.........But he will get there some day!!!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome!! Great run Saturday! Sorry I missed it. Also, great job with the family schedule! Amazing how some discussion and compromise benefited everyone - without sabbotaging anyone's personal goals.

Bridget said...

YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!! That is a great way to start out the week. Glad to hear you worked out the schedule and once you get in a routine it will be easier. The start of it is hard, but it will get better. All of you are just kicking butt and taking names!