Monday, September 25, 2006

Running after a long ride

Today I did my two miles with the "Y" Gals. We did the first mile in 11:53 and the second at 11:24. I am very proud of myself.....This after sitting in the car for a total of 11 hours and watching a 2 hour NASCAR race on Saturday. Then watching a NASCAR races for 5 hours (I did not even get out of my seat) and driving for another 3 hours on Sunday. Then on Monday riding in the car on the way home another 8 hours. That is a lot of hours to ride in the "Mid-life Crisis car!!!! This is my husband two door Orange Chevy Calvier!! Why he ever bought it I don't know. But he did and we went to Delaware with it.

I am so glad that I ran today, I though that I would never be able to move after sitting that long. But I'm showing Ron that maybe exercise is working!! We had to go up about 11 flights of stairs to get to our seats (ok it was the nose bleed section, but we got to see everything) and I had no problem going up the stairs.....Everybody else was huffing and puffing, but not me!!! I was so proud of myself!!

I seem to use the word proud a lot......But I am. I just look at a picture that was taken at the race and I have notice that I am thinner. Everybody has been telling me that I am thinner. I am even buying smaller clothes, but to see that I'm looking thinner and I can go up 11 flights of stairs with no trouble....I guess I have a right to be proud!!!

1 comment:

runswithdog said...

You should be proud. Running isn't easy and you have shown a lot of stick-to-it-tiveness with it. It was fun to join you and the rest today. I know Momo liked getting out :-) Hopefully we will be up to your distance in a few weeks. Let this be a lesson Sue! The endurance you have worked so hard for, can go very quickly :-) Keep running!