Friday, September 22, 2006

Running in the Boonies

I ran on Thursday approx 2.5 miles in 34 minutes......That is ok because I ran up one hill on the way out and ran up two hills on the way back. I'm proud of myself!!! So I am keeping to running three times a week. Running outside is sooooo much better that running on the treadmill. I just have this mental block of not going anywhere. I'm moving but I'm staying in one place......My mind can't get over that. But you know that I will force myself to do it if the need arises (especially in the winter, in snowbelt country). I have gotten this far.....I'm not going to stop.

So I ran on the roads of Palermo, NY today....I said I ran approx 2.5 miles, because I had to guess where the 1.25 mile mark was. I have tried everything to try get an accurate .25 reading, when running on the roads near my house, but I can't seem to get one. My car only gives me tenths readings on the Trip meter and because there are no streets off of my street, I can't use mapquest to get a reading.......So I guess I'm stuck to guessing. At least it is 1.55 miles to the end of my street so I can get an accurate 3.1 run when I need to.

I was getting articles to read for my "drive" down to Dover this weekend and I found something interesting. If you log into the internet under, they have download interviews from athletes and regular joes just like us. There was one on Beginner Triathlon from Susan Serra. She started with a 5K race 4 years ago, went to running marathons , and is now doing Tri's. It is great to listen to her, because she is just like all of us. Started on the couch and now she is doing things that she never thought she would do. Trac and Bridget, I know that you tell us all the time that we can do it, but now I can listen to it at 3 a.m. in the morning....When I'm up for no apparent reason. This is when my mind starts to think...."What am I doing? Do you really think you can do it?" So now I have a Trac and Bridget anytime I need a boost. Ok, it is not like having the real Trac and Bridget, but I can't have you guys all the time.

1 comment:

runswithdog said...


Try this site.

I think it will let you map in between roads.