Thursday, July 12, 2007

Today's run

Well, I took Trac's and Bridget's advice and I did run twice this week.

The first time was on Tuesday morning around 5:30am. I only had 1/2 an hour so I ran on the treadmill while the kids were sleeping upstairs (Ron had already left for work and I did not want to leave the house with the kids still sleeping). In the 1/2 an hour, I got in 2.75 miles. At the time, that was a good distance. Even though it was early in the morning, it was still hotter than a devil. I had sweat pouring off every inch of my body. A shower did not help after that, I felt hot all day. Good thing I did not stink!!!

Today, I ran at Onondaga Lake Park after work. I really need to run with somebody because I did 4 miles in 48:42!!! I did better at the Tipp Hill race with the devil hill. This run had no hills!! What is happening to me. I think that makes it a 12:10 m/m. I did better at the Swamp Rat Race, I think, and I did not stop this time!!! I did make mile two at 23:42, that sort of makes me feel better, but not alot!!!

So Saturday is coming and our long run is going to be 5 miles. I don't think Trac needs to put a stop watch on me!!! I think that when I do the 10k in September, they will be taking down the stuff when I cross the finish line. I'll be saying on Saturday "Go ahead Trac, I promise I won't stop"!!!


All my tomorrows said...

Keep plugging, Sue. That is the key. The more you run, the easier it gets. Then you can refine the speed part...I think..I'm still working on that myself! Eeek!

runswithdog said...


You did the five miles Saturday faster than your Thursday run! We were 11:25/mile! Woohoo! Good job!