Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Practice Makes Perfect

If you read Trace's Blog, you know that we ran 3.6 miles yesterday (to be exact) Hey, I'm counting every mile......With four hills.....In the freezing cold. It was so cold that my sweat frozen in my hair.....But I did not mind a bit. It was a lot better than running inside. I got to practice my hills!!!

I know that I can do the 4 miles (slow but sure), it is the hills I want to practice on. The first time up the hill, was a bear. I think it was cold and I was not warmed up yet, but the 1-2-3-4 came out and I made it up. It was Tracy that kept me going.....I think that we feed off of each other...I know that there is someone there next to me. It is so much better to run with someone, and the only reason that I talk the whole time is because I did not want to think about anything!!! That is how I get through things...TALK, TALK, TALK.

Trace, Cosmo, and I ran two more times around, then Sherrie showed up!!! New blood to help us along!!! We ran one more time around with her, but then I had to stop. My quads were hurting!!! But nothing to be worried about!!

This morning was another story.....I hurt. I even stretched in the fitness room after running and I was still stiff this morning. Nothing too bad that a couple of Aspirin would not fix.

I ran one mile on the treadmill today. I did practice my speed. I went from 5.0 to 5.5 in the mile. That limbered up my quads. I should be find tomorrow!!


Anonymous said...

5.5 on the treadmill! Holy cow, you're good!

I've been trying to practice hills too, to prepare for the Tipp Hill Shamrock Run. All my muscles feel fine afterwards but my HIP SOCKETS kill for days! Hip sockets! What is up with that? Bodies are just... bizarre.


Sue said...

Yah, but you can beat my butt any day...Remember, "We" (ok I) just want to finish