Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Weather has been so nice -

That I have not be able to get on the computer and write. So here it is in the middle of the night and I'm finally getting it done.

Running has been OK. I have not done a lot since I last wrote. The Y has changed Andy's Running class to Sunday's at 9:30am. Not a good time for the Thorp's. Andy has religion class and he is making his First Communion. He can't really miss that to go running. So I decided to train him myself. I'm trying to remember what the times are that we did when I took the class. I'm going to ask Sherrie to help me and see if she has talked to the instructor and got the times.

Since I last wrote, I have done the following:

Tuesday - Ran 2.75 miles on the treadmill - getting up to a speed of 5.7mph for at least .25 miles and ending at 5.4mph.

Friday - Was so nice out, ran outside here at home. Ran about 3.4 mile. I ran to the Beaver Dam on the street near my house. Now you know that I live in the boonies. There were at least one hill going out and two hill coming back. I did not time it, but would consider a good run.

Saturday - Took Andy to Onondaga Lake Park and on the walking trail did walk 4 minutes run 1 minute 4 times and walk 3 minutes run 2 for the last time. He did so good for his first time.

Tuesday - Ran at home again - Ran 3.1 miles, the route that I started when I decided to do the 5K. I did not run for time again, but judging by the songs that I had, I decided it was a great run. One of these days I have to remember my watch when I don't have Andy.

Andy was just so tired last night that I did not want to push him in running - It would only have been counter productive. And with Boy Scouts tonight - there will be no running for him tonight. I already told him that we have to run on Thursday!!! We don't want to be behind. I am going to get a calendar out and show him how many days we have until he does his first real 5K. Maybe that will get him motivated more, just like I did when I started.


runswithdog said...

Oh crap, Sue. I forgot. I will get email you the training program tonight! I promise.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are doing great!


All my tomorrows said...

I think you are probably on the right track not to push him on running on the busy days. It should always be a fun thing.It is SO GREAT you are encouraging him in this! Already, from some of your previous posts, you can see that he has such a sense of achievement! Wonderful.