Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

With a foot of snow on the ground.....what would make you think that it was Easter. But it is a time of renewal in your heart, not just outside. Bridget's and Jen's blogs help you think about what Easter is!!!

Since we are talking about renewal......I have gotten off the running wagon, with the snow and things that are going on in my life.

Wednesday, Ron and I had a big fight about money and my van. So when he was at Boy Scouts with Andy, I just played with Brian. Did not do any running, thinking that I would do it on Thursday and have Andy walk.

Thursday, I worked late - very, very late. I was able to put the kids to bed and then go to bed myself. So no running there.

Friday, I had dinner with my parents. They came out to be with the boys since we could not see them today. After dinner I was in no shape to run.

Saturday - I ran four miles at the Y. Finally I was able to run. Also I had so much pent up frustration from Work. (Ron and I settled our differences), that I just had to release it. It did not help that I saw one of my bosses at the Y then again during shopping. God must be testing me or something!! I got so upset, I bought new sneakers!!! It least I bought something that I can use!!

Sunday - My In-laws just came in and we are supposed to go to a eat at a place on Lake Ontario!! I hope we don't get snowed in. After our bellies have settled from that. Andy wants to go on the treadmill and get at least a mile on.

Andy and Teresa are e-mailing each other. Andy has to tell her what he has done running wise and she will send him something in the mail. Kind of what she did for me, but I had to call her and I don't get anything in the mail.

It looks like I am not going to join the team at work for Race for a Cure. Andy and I would like to start our own team and was wondering if anyone would like to join it. (Hint, Hint - Sherie and Jen) Just let me know what you think!!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful day!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a nice Easter, Sue!

Jen :o)