Thursday, April 12, 2007

A week without kids.....

The kids went to my mother's house near Saratoga and I only got in two days of running.

Easter Sunday - After the Inlaws left, I wanted to try out my new sneakers. So I ran a mile on the treadmill. Andy did not do anything, because he was stuffed. He really did not eat that much, but we kind of got him on 3 meals a day with two good snacks. That seems to be working. He is not asking to eat all the time because he knows what time he can get a snack.

Monday - My mother took the kids to her house to play with Aunt Teresa. So I went to the Y to do some running. It was really cold and nobody was there. Trac had her daughter in town and Sherrie's house has been sick. So I ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill. I did this on the random setting at a high of 5.2 mph with an incline of 2.9. I also did the recumbent bike for 30 minutes making sure that I kept it at a rate above 90.

Tuesday - Was tired, so I cleaned the kitchen and just rested.

Wednesday - Ran 5 miles on the treadmill at home. It took me 60 minutes. I did the first 4 miles at 5 mph. The next 1/2 mile I did at 5.2. The next 1/4 mile at 5.3 and the last 1/4 mile at 5.4. I was real proud of myself. Now I just have to do it outside.

Had a real bad day at work. The stores kept on calling me. I swear that they don't think...I just want to yell over the phone one of these days, "Listen to what I am saying and think about it!!! It is not Rocket Science!!!!" But they want everything handed to them on a silver platter, but soon it should stop.

Thursday - They are calling for snow and my parents are supposed to be bring the boys back. So I am just waiting for them to walk in the door. I did get my letter from the state and I got 100 on the test. I have a call into Teresa to see if that is a good score. Is it 100 out of 100 (they do give extra points if you are a vet, so it is possible to get over 100), or is it 100 out of 250. I know that she is going to say, hey it is what you think it is, but I just want to make sure.

The boys did have fun with their Grandma. She took them to a farm with Aunt Teresa. Where they learned how to take care of baby animals. They had a naming contest for two pigs. Andy had a great idea. He wanted to name one Herbert and the other one Ron (that's my husband's name!!!) I burst out laughing when my mother told me. She thought I was being mean to my husband, but I was glad that Andy did not want to name them Sue and Ron!!!

Will try to get Andy out this Sunday......He did alot of walking at Grandma's with all the activities that they had to do. Also, the Y is having Healthy Kids Day. I want to take the Kids to that and get them motivated for spring.

Thanks for the tip on!!! I got some great information and a chart for Andy to track his miles on!!! That is an incentive to see how far he has gone and to get awards for doing it!!!

1 comment:

runswithdog said...

A 100? What a smart-pants :-) IIRC, civil service interviews 3 highest scorers and then can choose from them, so there might be someone higher but it doesn't necessarily mean they are a shoe-in.

Very nice on the running. B and I talked about running this morning but the weather report said a high NEAR 40. Not EVEN 40 but NEAR! I am staying home, continuing my cold weather running boycott (I know, I am only hurting myself but....)