Saturday, April 14, 2007

I am sooooooo proud.....

of my son Andrew!!!!

Today, we went to the Y like we always do on Saturday for Andy's swim lesson. I did not bring my workout clothes because my Mom wanted the kids to try on some clothes so she can buy them suits. She bought different sizes so she can get the right size for his First Communion Suit. You know we don't want him to look like a hick, oh wait he is one.

Well, we get there and we knew about the Healthy Kids Day, but we did not know that there was no swimming lessons. OK, what do I do now with the kids until my mother comes. Well, Andy saw the kids in the gym and asked what they are doing. It was the kids Tri. So Andy begged me to sign him up. I said, why don't we watch this year and then we will sign up next year. I got the "OH PLEEEEEEEASE, MA" So what I though was against my better judgement, I signed Andy up. He was all smiles.

He had to run 6 laps around the gym. He does that and finished last.....I told him that he did great. He kept a steady pace and did not slow down. That is what you are suppose to do, don't use all of your energy.

Andy then had to swim up and back in the pool. He did awesome!!!! He had no trouble in the pool. Until he decided that he wanted to put his sweatpants back on. Well, while he was swimming his underwear fell out of his there they are on the pool deck, getting wet.

We finally get his sweatpants back on with his wet underwear. He goes in the cycle room and he can't reach the pedals. Dang, He has to row. He thinks that is OK. He does the 8 minutes of rowing and get ready to cross the finish line......He gets ready to break the tape and some little girls runs in front of him and breaks it. You should have seen his face....but in the true Y Spirit, they do it again for him and he is able to cross the finish line and gets his picture taken. He was the last one to finish (because of the underwear episode), but he did not care!!!! He got his medal and his tee-shirt. He was very happy. He even wore his number from the tri until we got home. That means he wore it the whole time we were shopping.

He has a new excitement for the running class. A new energy......I am very proud of my boy!!!


runswithdog said...

What a day for Andy! He has become a triathlete before his mother :-) What is even better is that he enjoyed it. Man, that is one thing the Y really does right - those kid events. Both you and Ron should be very proud.

All my tomorrows said...

Wow. What a cool kid for 1. being persistent and finishing 2. doing it for the LOVE of doing it. Rock on Andy!