Friday, March 16, 2007

This week in running and other notions

OK, so I'm trying to be cleaver. Just remember, I'm not an English Major.....I work with numbers.

On Monday, even though I said that I was going to take it easy after the race, I ran with Trace, Sherrie and Sherry. We are now trying to do negative splits on the hills across the street from the Y. We did it, the negatives and the running, while running three time around making it about 2.7 miles. Trace describes the course very well in her blog, I'm going to describe how I felt.

First, Tired.....I have to learn to eat something before I go to the Y, and not try to do things and try to succeed without any kind of energy. I eat lunch around 12:30 and have nothing until I get home around 8:45pm. No wonder I look like Poop out there and in swimming on Mondays.

Second, Trace had to push me on the third time around. Thank God for "Tough Love". It seems when I'm running I need someone there to push me. It's like I don't really believe in myself to do it. I need someone to remind me. Teresa even told me the other day, that she is there to help me, to push me so that my other friends can run their race. I need to get a life and start believing in me. I have just proved that I can run (OK with the help of my friends and my sister) one of the hardest races in Syracuse (other than the Mountain Goat). I just have to run a race sometime, by myself,( hey wasn't that the Jingle Bell) and just see how I do.

Then after running I went swimming. I think I only added one more lap.....I was just plain pooped. Also, I got a cramp in my calf with the flippers on. Once I got rid of that, I could only do a couple more laps and then I was done for the night.

On Wednesday (Boy Scout Night), I ran 4 miles on the treadmill. I wanted to do my long slow run just in case I could not do it on Saturday. OK, I'm planning on the Y to be packed on Saturday and I to be kicked off the treadmill. So, I wanted to get my mileage in. With Brian on the computer and some music in my ears, I ran between a 4.8 and 5.2mph. (I up the speed towards the end because it was getting close to my run time for Tipp Hill and I did not want to go over that, what a Dork). The only thing that bothered me was my Toe nail. I think that I'm going to loose it. It did not bother me on Saturday or Monday, not like it did on Wednesday and the days that followed. It looks kind of purple. It is not like I'm a toe model. Nobody looks at my feet anyway with work's stocking/sock rule. So there is really nothing to lose? Right? OK, I'm going on the running sites to see what I can do.

Because Andy has swimming and Brian has soccer, I will be at the Y on Saturday. There is an open lap lane during Andy's swimming lesson. I'm going to see how many laps I can do without stopping. Then, I'll go on the treadmill and see how long I can last there.

I also have another problem that I'm trying to work on. Andy!!! The only activity that Andy wants to do is swim one day a week. He just does not look right. He says that he is always tired and does not want to do stuff. He keeps on telling me that he wants to run like I do in a race, but on Tuesday he did not want to go for a walk with me and his brother. He stayed inside and cleaned his room. What 8 year old kid stays inside and cleans their room when they can go outside and play? This year he did not want to sign up for baseball. He LOVED playing baseball last year, but he was very adamant that he was not going to play this year. Also, Andy weighed 85lbs for his Dr's appointment in August. Last night, he weighed 101.5. I'm in shock!!!! He drinks all the time like he can't quench his thirst. He goes to the bathroom all the time. On Saturday, after the race, at the restaurant, he had three adult size glass of soda and went to the bathroom three times during the hour and 1/2 we were there. Ron says we have nothing to worry about. But I am!!!! I have a Dr's appointment for 3/21, I have brought up the Diabetes word to the nurse, and with what I described (even before being over 100 lbs) she thinks we should bring him in. This might effect my running.....if I can get him to do it, I will be running with him and trying to do my own. Lets see what happens!!!


Anonymous said...

You are a great mom to see the signs Sue!It's amazing how running changes your views on health isn't it! Hopefully Brian only has a case of the winter blues. Either way I know you will be by his side and he'll have the best trainer (mom) working with him. Madelyn and I will hopefully be there with the two of you also.


runswithdog said...

Good catch on those symptoms. 3 glasses of soda in 1.5 hours - that is a lot for a little boy
:-( I love soda - absolutely love it but I do think it is one of the more insidious substances around. Diet AND regular! It is either full of chemicals and what not or full of high fructose corn syrup. Nasty, nasty stuff. I so hope that you have success with him with the junior run. He has a great example on living a healthy lifestyle in you :-)

All my tomorrows said...

Prayers for Andy he DOES NOT have diabetes.

You are setting such a good example for your children, however. And they ARE watching you. I promise. I remember how my Mom used to run when i was a kid and that made a BIG impression on me. It took me a bit to catch on, but I still remember it to this day. And I thank her for making us get out there and GO with her on our bikes or whatever from time to time.

Parenting is SO hard. I really admire you.