Sunday, October 15, 2006


I know that I have not written.....But I have been running. On Saturday the 7th, I think, Sherrie and I ran 3.4 Miles in 39 minutes!!!! I have broken the 40 minute mark, but don't get too excited.

On Monday the 9th, Sherrie and I ran again.....But it was really, really dark....So we ran the inner outer loop (like that description) which is .9 mile in the development across the street from the "Y"....We ran that twice. That means we ran up the "hill" twice....The second time it hurt but we kept at it and we finished. I don't remember the time because I forgot to really stop my watch and I did not turn on the light!!!

Thursday I ran 2.5 miles after the rain storm......It was cold and windy. I did it at my house....So that means going up one hill on the way out and going up two hills on the way back. I did do a negative split 17:03 for the first 1.25 and 16:33 on the way back. That is with the two hills. Ron was teasing me and said the wind was so strong that it pushed me. I think it was cold and the wind was nasty that I just wanted to get home.

Saturday was a different story all together!!!! It was COLD and the wind was blowing hard....At least it was not raining!!!! Sherrie was there with me and we started the run in good fashion. We did the smaller loop in a good time...Around 11 minutes. Then there was the hill. I don't know what happened....Was it the wind....Was it that it was cold....For me the hill was AWFUL!!! I just put my head down and took small steps...Saying out loud "just keep going". I sounded like "Dory" the fish from "Finding Nemo".....Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming....But that what help me...Along with having Sherrie right there for me!!!! From in front of the Y to the top of the hill took us 10 minutes......It was the hardest 10 minutes of my running career.....Ok maybe mile 2.5 of my first race when I told Teresa that I was going the puke and she told me "NO....You are going to keep running because nobody wants to see you puke" was the hardest of my career but this is almost there.

But like the troopers that we are....Ok for me, what I want to be.....We kept on going. We ran down Buckley towards Wetzel Road. I just kept on saying what I felt and Sherrie would say I was thinking that too!!! I truly believe that it helps me to have someone there for me!!!! But on this day, my feet felt like lead and I was just prodding along and for some reason the shock from my feet was going right up to my butt, to make that hurt. I finally went to Sherrie....Can we stop at the Clay Town Park Sign and she said Yes!!! So we stopped there. We ran about 35 minutes.....That is ok, at that time I was ready to stop.

But then I went to see Trac and show her my new cycling shoes that I got from e-bay. Trac said that they were in good shape, but I would need new clips....Hey that is great news!!!! I did not know what I had, so spending about $5 - $10 is ok for me. On Tuesday on the way home...I'll stop at the Bikery if they are open...I tried to go to the Bike Loft on Saturday, but I must have just missed them.

So then I run with Trac's class and did good. Nothing really hurt afterwards, but I felt really good on the inside. I ran with my friend Tina....She thinks that she is having an awful time, but she is doing great!!!! She has accomplished a lot more in a shorter time.....I don't think that I could have taken the 8 week class... Thank God for the 12 week class. But she needed someone there with her....Just like Trac was there for me telling me stories when I was in the back of the pack for most of the classes. Just like Sherrie is for every run that we do...Taking swimming and maybe cycling class with me helping me train for the Tri. Just like Teresa, running with me side by side for my first race, calling me every weekend to see what I did that Saturday morning and buying/giving me a road bike for my first Tri.

They are there for me, and there is no way that I could ever repay them.....So I'm going to spread some of that to Tina!!! I will be there for her first race and I will run next to her....It is not about my time...It is about finishing the race and being a friend, isn't it?

1 comment:

runswithdog said...

You and Sherry had such a hard time Saturday that I was glad you could run with us. It helps to end on a happy positive note!

I am anxious to hear how you like your new shoes after your first class. Be sure to post about it.

Tina really is doing great - she makes it look easy but we all know that appearances are deceptive. It is good that you are there for her and to encourage her.

Thanks for running with Melissa and I yesterday - I was struggling, man, sometimes it just doesn't come easy, does it. It helped when you joined us :-)

Make sure to give us a race report also from this coming Saturday. I will be thinking of you.