Sunday, May 20, 2007

Race for The Cure - The Challange

Or Why I did so bad.

Just one word......Andy. He just gave up after mile 1. It go so bad. He was crying and yelling at me. People were giving him encouragement and he would just not listen. Let me list some of the thing he was crying out. "Why are you making me do this?" "My feet hurt and then I will be disabled". It was just awful!!! People were giving us water and one person gave us his hat because of all the things that Andy was crying out. He was running so slow that the walkers were passing us!!!

At mile 3, Teresa came and helped us (She finished at 31 minutes!!!!) I guess she saw Andy crying when she passed us at one point and she knew that I would need help. She told me to leave and run ahead she will walk with him. She is a great sister!!! I did not want to leave her because he was acting so bad. So unlike him!!!

So with 3/4 of a mile in the race left, I started running. I was running with a hat, a bottle of water and two MP3 players in my hand. I swear to God, I had to be doing a 7 minute mile at that time. I crossed the finish line and headed back to see where they were. I guess one minute after I left she had Andy running and he crossed the finish line running. Actually all three of us crossed the finish line together. I started running with him when I saw them. As soon as he got his chip off he asked when his next race was? I just gave him a look.

But I am not going to stop training with him. This year we are working on One Mile fun runs. This will be his last 5K for this year. I'm going to plot out one mile runs in different places and we are going to work on that so he can do it by himself. Starting Monday, we are going to the high school track and see how far he can run and we will start there. He wants to do the Mile run at the swap race - so I signed him up and we are going to position ourselves in diffrent places to give him encourgement.

I want to let Maddie how great she did at the Race!!!! She did awesome!!! Keep up the great work! You will definite do a 5K this year!!! You will probably beat me at the Willow Bay Run this year!!!


Anonymous said...

ROFL! Oh boy, it sounds like you had quite a race! Don't worry... this sounds like something you can hold over his head and embarrass him with at a future time. "Sally, do you know what your fiance, my son Andy, did once when he was young? He threw a fit at a CANCER event!..." ROFL.

I was sorry to miss the race. I hope to run another one by the fall, though!

Jen :o)

runswithdog said...

Man, oh man. I saw your time and I thought something like that might have happened. Kids. Boy, you never can tell. How far has he been running? Do you think the meltdown was caused by distance or just the environment of the race and stress? The one mile fun run plan sounds the way to go this year.