Saturday, December 16, 2006

This week......

Well this week has been a very strange week for me, so thank god for running.

On Monday, I ran 3 hills with Trac, Sherry, Sherry, Shannon, Kris and of course Cosmo!!! It was a good run....I would have been a lot better if I did not have my GD glasses on!!! If you read my last blog, you already know that I have something wrong with my cornea. I'm taking steroids for this (only drops for the eyes) and I can not put in my contacts. I hate wearing my glasses when I exercise......And I am blind as a bat if I don't have them. So most of the time I was running I was worried about my glasses. They would fog up.....So I would take them off and then listen to Sherrie's wind pants to make sure that I'm going in the right direction if Trac and Cos was not near me. Then when they were off, I would put them in my pocket. But then I would worry about losing or dropping my glasses. They are my only pair and if they were gone, some one would be driving me to the boonies that night. But Trac was right, Hills are our friends. The articles that were on her blog are totally correct. Tonight I'm going to read them again just to make sure that I'm understanding them right. But on Monday, the hills weren't so bad at all.

Tuesday - The day from H E Double Hockey Sticks!!!!! After the whole "stealing" thing from work, I received a new position of taking care of and "clearing" credit card deposits. What this means, we "clear" what the store says they took in for that day, saying to our Computer Accounting System that we have received the money from the credit card company and there are no discrepancies. I was supposed to take a 1/2 day from work. The kids had dentist appointments around 3:30pm and I thought that maybe I could get some shopping done before hand. NADA. What should have only taken 1/2 hour took almost 2 hours. I had a mistake when the computer transferred from one spread sheet to our computer system. I was still at work at 2:15pm. I still had to pick up Andy and Brian and get them to their dentist appointment for 3:30pm. (It is at least 1/2 Hour to get to the kids school from work). During this whole time, I was interrupted several times!!! They were asking me on things that could have waited until someone came back from lunch. But of course, everyone says "Oh Sue will help" and they know that I can't say NO. I could have found the mistake much sooner, but with the interruptions and then "Why are you still here?" 3,000 times, I lost my place. So after 1 1/2 hours of looking for the mistake, I had to lose everything!!!! Our computer system will not let you finish clearing if you do not balance. So at 2:30, bye bye 2 hours worth of work!!!! And out the door I ran.

Wednesday - Still fuming over Tuesday, I sent an e-mail to my co-workers. If they see me working on credit cards, please leave me alone. I need to make sure that everything is correct. If I make a mistake and say that the store has done something wrong, I have wasted the time of my boss, the time of the Regional Distribution Manager, the time of Regional Manager of Customer Service, the Manager of Customer Service at the store, and later my time with looking into their responses. So if I do everything right the first time, I don't waste other peoples and my time. I also asked, if they see me clearing, please leave me alone. This way I can concentrate and if I have any mistakes, I can find them in a timely fashion. I asked if they had any questions while I was working on credit cards, to ask my boss. If my boss said to ask me, I will answer them. But for right now, please leave me alone when I'm working on these projects. Well some people were taken back from it and though that I was mean. Mean! I tell you mean. Mean is being so inconsiderate knowing that I should not be at work, but then talking to me about how another employee bothers you. Mean is not looking at all the options first and just asking other people for help because it is easier. Mean is asking for help, having someone help you when the directions are in the manual that was given to you, then saying "well so and so said I did not have to do it that way". Well you know what, you should have waited until so and so came back from lunch. My last paycheck had 49.75 hours last week!!! Other than the other person working on cash, NO ONE can say that I'm not working hard and pulling my weight. And if I'm asking to be left alone for part of my job, please understand. Well, some people don't.

Thursday - Still getting the cold shoulder from at least one of my other co-workers. (I'm giving them attitude. Sorry did you work an extra 4 hours this week so far? I don't think so) I went to the Eye Doctor. We my eye is not getting any better. Even though I think I'm seeing a little better in my left eye, according to the Dr, I should have had full sight in that eye with the steroids that he gave me. And I had more holes in my eye and I could lose my sight. How could that be possible? I was on medicine!!! So on that note, the Eye doctor called in a specialist and they got me in at 12:15 the next day. Ok, now I'm scared!! Thank God I was meeting Melissa at the Y to run. We saw Trac first to see if she could run, but she was subbing for Bob's cycle class and some people showed up. So it was just Melissa and I. It was a great run!!! We ran 4 miles in about 52 minutes, with at least 2 hills. Melissa was great!! She had everything planed out in the development and she kept me motivative. Also my glasses never fogged up because it was almost 60 degrees that day.....I could see...I could see with the one good eye. It did get out a lot of my stress.

Friday - I had a "normal" doctor's visit with my regular doctor. He is so proud of me running. In the last year I have lost about 55 pounds. And he says I have a better attitude about my health too. Good thing he does not know about my other attitudes!! So I get to work, and finish what need to be done before Noon for the field and banking purposes. I go to the "Special" Eye Doctor. My regular doctor, who I trust very much, said that he is a very good doctor. The "Special" Dr. does not know what had happen to my eye, but he did find an eye lash that was spinning around in the socket and that could be it. An Eye Lash, you got to be kidding!!! He then said, ok it might not be it, but take this medicine and I will see you in four week, unless your eye sight gets worst. He did said, if the eye lash was the what started it and it kept on doing it I could have gone blind. Oh that makes me a whole lot better. NOT!! He also said that my contact are what probably what saved my eye if that is the cause, because the contacts stopped whatever what making the holes. But, I can't wear my contacts until I see him again. What if it is not the eyelash? I guess I will see him sooner that 4 weeks.

Saturday - I go to the Y like normal, take Andy to swimming and Brian to Prime Time. After swimming, is Mommy Time. I go and run. I wish I could run at the park like everybody else, but Andy loves swimming and right now it is the only thing that he wants to do that is good for him. So I do it!! Running was HE double hockey sticks!!! I only got 2 miles in. It was suppose to be my long slow run!!!! I even ran at 4.9 miles per hour!!! And still only did 2 miles!!! But in defense, I did run 4 miles on Thursday!!!! I know that I can not run the long distances on the treadmill. I need someone I know next to me or to talk to me on the treadmill while I'm running. I might have to do a new strategy on this running. I'm planning on running tomorrow after church. That will be my fourth day. I need to talk to Trac and Melissa about maybe making my long run on Thursday with Melissa and do Hills on Monday with the rest of the group. Then figure out what to do the other days. I want to conquer Tip Hill!!!

I also might have someone else start joining us!!! I saw Kim at the Y on Saturday, after the run of course. She had to take sure time off for health reasons, but she wants to start running with us again. I told her the days that we all run and that I would include her in the e-mails that I send everyone about running. She says she is ready for a new challenge and might do Tip Hill with us. I'm going to send her the map that Trac has so she can see what is going on.

Good thing that I have running.....After this week, I would have to been put in the mental ward!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

I'm a greyhound friend of Tracy's and just started running last month--my first race will be in February at Beaver Lake. I enjoy reading your blog and your running log is very motivating! Keep up the good work!

Jen :o)