Saturday, November 18, 2006

What a difference!!!

Thank god for Trac, Sherrie and Sherry!!! Thursday's run went a lot better than all the other runs last week.

First thing I did on Thursday was to show up late for Trac's cycle class. Ok that was not better, but at least I showed up!!! My cycle shoes did not twist on me!! They clicked right on the pedals - that was a first. Of course I wanted to take it easy, but Trac kept me motivated to finish the class and work at a regular pace. All except for the Hovers - boy do I hate the hovers!! My legs could not take anymore Hovers!!! Trac always says that the Hovers are good for shaping our buttocks. At that point I did not care what my butt looked like!!!

Then I met Sherrie and Sherry for our run. Usually they run on Wednesday, but this week they ran on Thursday.....That really helped me. I knew that I was not alone on the treadmill - the dreaded treadmill!!!! So they ran 2.5 miles....I ran 2.0 miles. Trac told me too!!!! She is right I should not do too much at one time.

But because Trac and Sherry was talking to me.....I was not looking at the clock, concentrating on my clomping feet, checking on other things that I should not be checking on.....I was able to run with "hardly" no problems!!!! I'm Polish.....I have to complain about something!!! But I felt so good about that run!!!! That made me feel a whole lot better about running the Jingle Bell Run tomorrow.

The weather looks cold for the Jingle Bell, but I am ready. I was able to talk to Melissa and Sherrie about where we are suppose to meet. And I left a message for Tina. I'm going to stand in front of the registration tent and I will try to make myself stand out. HA HA!!!

While talking to Sherrie, we said we are going to take it just like any other Saturday Run that we do. I'm really not that nervous, at least right now. Of course, my Mom and Dad are going to show up and see me race.....They have not missed one yet!!! Teresa is thinking about coming, but she has to work tonight and that would be too hard....But if she comes I would not mind at all. Ron and the Kids are going to be there also. The whole family again, but this time it's for Millie!!!

I wish Melissa, Shannon, Kris and Tina the best.....Enjoy this first run. You will always remember it!!! Remember it's not the time.....That will come. (I have prove that to myself in the Apple Run) But the sheer joy of knowing I FINISHED, I CAN DO IT!!! will help you any task that you set in front of you a little bit easier!!! Right Trac!!!

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