Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What is going on this week.

Well, it has been a tough week. I tried to run on Saturday, but I could only do about 1.75 miles. It was a tough 1.75 miles on the treadmill. I know that it is mostly mental, but it seems so damn hard to run on the machine. My shins and legs scream everytime I'm on the treadmill. No matter how high I have my MP3 player on, I can hear my feet go "clomp, clomp, clomp". I feel like one of my grandfather's old horses, but clutzy. I know that I ran the day before and it was 3.1 miles, but I ran it slow that I should not have had such trouble. I was so discourage that I did not go to open cycle. I just wanted to get out of the Y with the boys and finish my grocery shopping. Also it had been a tough 3 days any way and I did not want to push/hurt myself before the Jingle Bell Run.

On Monday, I met with Tina and we ran inside again. I felt like the big old horse again. I ran about 1.75 miles at 5.1 mph on random. I felt like an old women getting off the machine, I was so stiff. Tina did not do much better. But she is so determined to start and finish this race, that I want to back her up. I'm just worried that she is going to get so discourage that her "time" is not good that she will not run again. I think that she would do great if she keeps on going and does not stop running during the winter.

I saw in some magazine that some marathoners are doing running so many minutes/walking so many minutes during a race. I think that if I do this with Tina ( run like 12 minutes, brisk walk for 1 minute) she will not get discourage and would want to finish the race on a strong note!!! I have already proved to myself that I can do it. She needsd to know that she can do it too. Would that be considered cheating, if it keeps somebody running during the winter and running a race in the spring?

I do have some good news about swimming. Kate looked at my "techique" for my front crawl and she said that it looked great. Now I just have be able to swim more that two lengths of the pool before I stop because I'm tired. I also want to practice some other strokes, just in case I need them in the tri.

I run again on Thurday with Sherrie and Sherry. I hope to be out of my slump, I just hope that the reason that I'm having trouble is the treadmill. If it is, what am I going to do come winter? Time will let us know.

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